A Walk Down Memory-Lane

CheckIn.com Rootserver 2001
July 8, 2021 – My First Rootserver: CheckIn.com

20 years back. I just got reminded by a friend, I had already missed it.

Before, it was always “co-located” space. Thanks to Jens (a good friend ever since) and support by Yves Weisselberger, CEO of KDS (my employer back then), I took control of my Internet.

Does make me wonder, who remembers that milestone… And that first logo. Where I painted a “calligraphy”-like computer with a digital airplane, reflecting my conviction that aviation goes digital. Learning Logo-Design rules: Color. Font. Scalability. Too often confronted with logos failing on one of those at least. i.e. dark background? Browser-bar icon (favicon)?

Triggered Thoughts

Hydrogen powered Wing in GroundFirst Webpage 1994 (thanks to Oliver Dietzel). First own domain (CheckIn.com) 1995. First commercial Internet travel bookings (ab)using Amadeus 1996 (Siemens Travel Net/Cytric). Honorary Member of the Editorial Board for ITB Travel Technology Congress 1999-2002. Exclusive speaker at the first ever ACTE event (a three-city roadshow) in Germany 2001.

First work on climate-neutral aviation 2008. Airport Ops, disruption and deicing management 2012.

Working on Regional Aviation Startups, due diligences, learning the faults, developing an idea that ultimately lead to Kolibri.

And So Many People I Owe

There was so much more, friends I met, friends moving to other realms. Friends, mentors staying friends. Almuth. Colleen. Regina. Hans. Jerry. Richard. Ted. Anne-Marie. Jutta. Christoph. Werner. Bego. Petra. Christianna. Heinz. Mike. Andreas. Karin. Nicole. Grant. Sean. Another Heinz. Another Mike. Ben. Joergen. Olli. Jens. Susanne. Judith. Uwe. Urs. Etienne. Ndrec. Octavian. So many (and so many others) having such a lasting impact on my live. So many added constantly. So many people I owe. And some other’s I could help. Sarah or Stephanie jumping to mind.
So many others I lost track. So many gone already. But none forgotten. So many social networks helped me to keep track or recover after many years.

There are no strangers here. Only friends I haven't yet met.

Food for Thought…
just food for thought.