Sustainability + Greenwashing


Fighting for sustainable aviation since 2008 (and before, but that’s hard to prove), in 2018 we developed a business plan for a sustainable airline,

Sustainability includes Carbon-Neutral as Climate Action (SDG13), but in fact, real sustainability as we understood it from the outset, is to develop more like a military operation style. Looking after your people, your region, your country, the world. Doing things right.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

I learned recently, that the U.N. seal shall not be used except if you’re a U.N. body, but consider that idiotic. I don’t imply that I’m U.N., but this is a United Nations program!

And I can assure you, we address the goals holistically, embrace them. And found that done right – and working from scratch – Sustainability is actually a semi-guarantee for profitability.

Power from the Plug Greenwashing
The Sustainability-Energy Dilemma

On our journey to secure funding, we experienced some learning curves about the extend of #lipservices and #greenwashing combined with #cognitivedissonance are being around. Examples being a statement by a U.N. program official that 95% of #impactinvesting (sustainable investing) is #greenwashing. I wrote an article about three easy ways to identify greenwashing on LinkedIn. The main one: Stop wishful thinking, ignore carbon-offsetting and look at the energy demand. Then don’t believe in the fairy tale of “green energy from the grid”.

e-mobility Life Cycle Assessment Greenwashing Volkswagen AGCheck the current statistics about how much of that energy is truly green on a national level and apply those numbers. It already disqualified the Volkswagen-own life-cycle-analysis on the impact of their electric ID3.

Another example is the multi-generational approach of #familyoffices … So far, we find them in one line with #impactinvestors – seeking ways to look good, but not giving a real second thought on what they would like the world to be. Prove me wrong…

So her come the various quotes I collected so far – and yes, just like the Quotes Page, I will update this one…


Sustainability-related Quotes

ESGGreenwashing: Putting Lipsticks on Pigs
“The Problem is that we continue to put lipstick on pigs instead of addressing the structural problems that lead to this mess.” [Michael Boyle]


As we stand here in 2020 with barely 10 years left to achieve this global agenda, it is clear that we are not on track for its attainment.
“As we stand here in 2020 with barely 10 years left to achieve this global agenda, it is clear that we are not on track for its attainment. If we want to achieve sustainable development for all people everywhere, then we’re going to need radically different ways of dealing with the complex and interrelated problems that face the world today” [Patrick van Weerelt, Head of Office UNSSC, 2020 on Circular Economy and the Agenda 2030]


ESG ain't Impact Investing. [Daniela Barone Soares]
“ESG ain’t Impact Investing. It tends to look at issues from a sole risk-based approach, at how the E, S and G will impact future cash flows. Rather than how the company itself and its product or service will impact the world.” [Daniela Barone Soares]


ESG an easy path to Greenwashing [Emmanuel Faber]
“So far, ESG has been sort of an easy path for CEOs and boards that wanted to look good, but weren’t ready to really walk the talk. That’s the whole question of greenwashing.” [Emmanuel Faber]


Climate Change is the largest market failure in history. And what is our answer? The market shall fix it. [Tariq Fancy]
“Climate Change is the largest market failure in history. And what is our answer? The market shall fix it.” [Tariq Fancy]


Our Obsession with technology will slow down the green transition. [Lubomila Jordanova]
“Our Obsession with technology will slow down the green transition.” [Lubomila Jordanova]


Impact Investment is like Teenage Sex...
“IMPACT INVESTMENT is like Teenage Sex. Everybody talks about it! Nobody really knows how to do it … Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it …”


Future historians may name this time in #ESG evolution the 'cognitive dissonance phase', after the mental conflict that occurs when behaviors and beliefs do not align [Harald Walkate]
“Future historians may name this time in #ESG evolution the ‘cognitive dissonance phase’, after the mental conflict that occurs when behaviors and beliefs do not align” [Harald Walkate]


This is a generational challenge, no raisin picking. The world is burning!
“We need a holistic approach. This ain’t petty single SDG or small tech invest to solve the sustainability crisis. This is an industrial size, generational issue that we must start to address today. Not someday and not distracting with little greenwashed pieces.” [Jürgen Barthel]

Other Images (no quotes)


Von-der-Leyen Meme: Others are Faster. But we have BIG PLANS!
Von-der-Leyen Meme: Others are Faster. But we have BIG PLANS!
Meme. Base-photo by European Parliament under Creative Commons License.


EU Climate Plans - embracing the globe standing on an industrial facility with smoking chimneys
EU Climate Plans – embracing the globe standing on an industrial facility with smoking chimneys by Peter Schrank at Schankartoons.


Climate Change Denial - Possible - Ooops - F###
Climate Change Denial – Possible – Oops – F###
by Semi-Rad (Brendan Leonard)

The following two cartoons are directly linked to South African illustrator Zapiro, charging premium for licensing them.

The Sustainability Investment - a Trojan Horse?
Sustainability Investment – a Trojan Horse from the Industry Nations. Source:
Renewables We Need - Renewables We Get (by Zapiro)
Renewables We Need – Renewables We Get. Source: